EGF-Eduard G. Fidel Trauringe
EGF-Eduard G. Fidel

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1499.00EUR 1424.05EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 585 Gelbgold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt/ poliert, 7 Brillanten 0,035 ct. TW/VSI,
1999.00EUR 1759.12EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 750 Weissgold / Gelbgold, 5,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt/ poliert, 1 Brillant 0,015 ct. TW/VSI,
Marrying 585 Weissgold /Rotgold, 8,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt / fuge poliert, 3 Brillanten 0,02 ct. W/SI,
Marrying 585 Gelbgold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt, 1 Brillant 0,08 ct. TW/VSI,
2399.00EUR 2111.12EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 585 Weissgold / Rosegold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt / poliert, 1 Brillant 0,10 ct. TW/VSI			(optional),
Marrying 585 Weissgold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt, 3 Brillanten 0,03 ct. TW/VSI,
2090.00EUR 1839.20EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 750 Weissgold / Gelbgold, 5,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt / poliert, 1 Prinzess-Diamant 0,10 ct. TW/VSI,
Marrying 585 Weissgold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt und poliert, 5 Brillanten 0,025 ct. TW/VSI,
2099.00EUR 1847.12EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 585 Weissgold / Gelbgold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt / poliert, 1 Brillant 0,10 ct. TW/VSI,
Marrying 750 Weissgold, 6,50 mm Breite, seidenmattiert /poliert, 5 Brillanten 0,025 ct. TW/VSI,
4699.00EUR 4135.12EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 585 Weissgold / Gelbgold, 8,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt / poliert, 3 Brillanten 0,06 ct.TW/VSIi,
Marrying 750 Weissgold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt / poliert, 62 Brillanten 0,248 ct TW/VSI			(optional),
3605.00EUR 3172.40EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 950 Platin, 5,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt / poliert, 7 Brillanten 0,05 ct TW/VSI,
5609.00EUR 4935.92EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 585 Weissgold, 5,00 mm Breite, seideinmatt / poliert, 5 Brillanten 0,05 ct. TW/VSI,
2170.00EUR 1909.60EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 950 Platin - 750 Weissgold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt, 24 Brillanten - iceblue 0,36 ct TW/VSI			(optional),
Marrying 585 Weissgold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt, 4 Brillanten 0,05 ct. TW/VSI,
2048.00EUR 1802.24EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 950 Platin / 750 Gelbgold, 5,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt / poliert, 1 Brillant 0,02 ct TW/VSI,
Marrying 750 Weissgold, 6,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt / poliert, 3 Prinzess - Diamanten 0,15 ct TW/VSI,
3189.00EUR 2806.32EURincl. Tax(19%)
Marrying 950Platin - 750 Gelbgold, DR 4,0 mm HR 5,00 mm Breite, seidenmatt, 1 Prinzess - Diamant 0,10 ct TW/VSI,
Displaying 1 to 20 (of 39 products) Pages:  1 2 >> 
Since 1933 traditional goldsmith Edward G.Fiedel is a wedding ring - factory class. Best and high quality, perfect wearing comfort for minimal wear and long lasting enjoyment. EGF wedding rings are particularly durable. High quality materials such as gold and platinum, as well as a unique design and brilliant versions conjure fancy rings, including the Amoroso, Mokume-Gane and Insieme Collection. Furthermore, EGF is one of the few wedding ring manufacturer which produce your blanks themselves.